Center for Developing Minds has experienced speakers who can give interactive talks or more formal presentations. Each presentation is tailored to the audience, whether a small chat or large lecture. CDM speakers are experts in their field, and have presented at national conferences and other venues throughout the country. CDM clinicians can also provide a variety of live-stream video presentations to schools, teachers, or parent groups. CDM speakers offer continuing education on a broad range of topics about child behavior and development, and offer practical examples and tips to attendees. Fees vary by speaker and audience size, please contact for more information.
Examples of recent talks and possible subject areas include:
- “Preparing Kids to Launch.”
- “How Young Brains Vary: Understanding your child.”
Oppositional Behavior
- “The Terrible 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, & 5’s: Parenting Strategies for Challenging Behaviors,”
- “Meltdowns to Shutdowns: Learning to cope with disappointments.”
Promoting Social Functioning Skills
- “Helping Your Child to Navigate Their Social Worlds.”
Managing Screen Time
- “Parenting in a Social Media World.”
Behavior Management
- “I Wish my Kid Came With an Instruction Book: Tips for parenting your young child.”
- “Raising a Motivated Child: Strategies to help kids grow up to be curious, independent, and enthused learners.”
- “Big Feelings! Big Emotions! Time for emotional regulation support.”
- “Solutions for Students on the Autistic Spectrum”
- “Everything You Need to Know About ADHD.”
Anxiety and Depression
- “Too many fears: How to help my anxious child.”
Anxiety and ADHD
- “Is it Anxiety or ADHD or Both?”
- “Understanding Your Child’s Temperament.”
- “The Attention Functions and Dysfunctions.”
Executive Functions
- “Raising an Organized Child.”
- “Creating Cognitive Flexibility: How parents can encourage academic life through executive functioning.”
- “Something is Not Right: Subtle signs of learning disabilities.”
Social Cognition
- “Nurturing Social Growth: Supporting parents of children with special needs.”
- “Developmental Diversity for Elementary Educators.”
- “Successful Playground Supervision: Training parent volunteers and yard duties.”
- “Training Aids and Teachers to Support Students with Special Needs.”