Speaker Services & Guest Lecturers

Center for Developing Minds has experienced speakers who can give interactive talks or more formal presentations. Each presentation is tailored to the audience, whether a small chat or large lecture. CDM speakers are experts in their field, and have presented at national conferences and other venues throughout the country. CDM clinicians can also provide a variety of live-stream video presentations to schools, teachers, or parent groups. CDM speakers offer continuing education on a broad range of topics about child behavior and development, and offer practical examples and tips to attendees. Fees vary by speaker and audience size, please contact info@devminds.com for more information.

Examples of recent talks and possible subject areas include:
  • “Preparing Kids to Launch.”
  • “How Young Brains Vary: Understanding your child.”

Oppositional Behavior

  • “The Terrible 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, & 5’s: Parenting Strategies for Challenging Behaviors,”
  • “Meltdowns to Shutdowns: Learning to cope with disappointments.” 

Promoting Social Functioning Skills

  • “Helping Your Child to Navigate Their Social Worlds.” 

Managing Screen Time

  • “Parenting in a Social Media World.” 

Behavior Management

  • “I Wish my Kid Came With an Instruction Book: Tips for parenting your young child.”
  • “Raising a Motivated Child: Strategies to help kids grow up to be curious, independent, and enthused learners.”
  • “Big Feelings! Big Emotions! Time for emotional regulation support.”


  • “Solutions for Students on the Autistic Spectrum”


  • “Everything You Need to Know About ADHD.”

Anxiety and Depression 

  • “Too many fears: How to help my anxious child.” 

Anxiety and ADHD 

  • “Is it Anxiety or ADHD or Both?”


  • “Understanding Your Child’s Temperament.” 


  • “The Attention Functions and Dysfunctions.”

Executive Functions  

  • “Raising an Organized Child.”
  • “Creating Cognitive Flexibility: How parents can encourage academic life through executive functioning.”


  • “Something is Not Right: Subtle signs of learning disabilities.”

Social Cognition 

  • “Nurturing Social Growth: Supporting parents of children with special needs.” 
  • “Developmental Diversity for Elementary Educators.”
  • “Successful Playground Supervision: Training parent volunteers and yard duties.”
  • “Training Aids and Teachers to Support Students with Special Needs.”